What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing to General Transcription Services?

November 15, 2021

What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing to General Transcription Services?

There will always come a time that transcriptions become important for one purpose or another. This does beg the question of whether it’s better to outsource their files to a general transcription service or to transcribe them in-house.

Having in-house transcribers is convenient for getting your transcriptions. However, it’s undeniable that transcription outsourcing gives you the greatest bang for your buck.

Here are 5 reasons why.

1. Save time and cost

General transcription services are your best friend in the midst of staffing expenses.

Having in-house transcribers can incur some hefty costs, including office space and funding for their compensation. This can be a short-term hurdle to the other goals of your organization - and a long-term financial obstacle if transcriptions are low in your list of priorities.

You’re now free to spend all that cash you save where it can do the most good for your organization and its goals because you pay these general transcription services only when you have requests for transcripts.

2. Access to experienced transcribers

Transcription services earn their name for a reason: they excel in providing transcription services. These services employ people who specialize in creating and delivering high-quality transcriptions to various industries.

Delegate the task of transcription to the people who do those best, and let your own people work on the tasks they are experts at.

3. Flexibility in files

Most general transcription services offer several ways to make your media much easier to digest. The most common ones include:

  • Delivering transcriptions in verbatim
  • Speaker identification
  • Timestamps
  • Audio tagging
  • Video captioning
  • Delivering machine-generated transcripts
  • Template and format customization

All of these options ensure that you can receive your files based on your specifications.

4. No HR headaches

With so many people to manage in the whole organization, the human resource department does face a pretty hectic workload.

Show your appreciation to these folks by outsourcing your transcriptions to a general transcription service, which will surely reduce their burden by at least a little, because then they don’t have to deal with the hassle of hiring, training, and supervising even more employees.

5. Compliance with privacy/data security laws

Privacy and data security are vital concerns for companies. Thus, it’s easy for them to hesitate in delegating parts of their essential work to a third party. This is because of laws and regulations that may require a large investment of time and resources. 

Quality general transcription services, however, generally keep up to date and comply with the latest developments in the data privacy world. You can rest easy knowing that the confidential information in your data is in good hands with transcription service providers.

Outsourcing transcripts is a great way to make your organization grow and accomplish its goals. Of course, it all depends on the particular needs and resources of your organization. Still, when you decide to use a general transcription service, make sure that you pick only the best.

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