Market Research Transcription

We are affiliated globally with over 200 marketing research firms.

We are experts in providing market research transcriptions

Transcribe one-on-one interviews or focus group discussions with multiple participants
Customizable transcript format based on client template
We can remove PII for added client/subject security
Start Your Project Now
Focus on leading your research interviews and focus groups instead of taking notes.

You can rely on our expert TranscriptionWing team, focused on accuracy and quality, to provide your transcriptions on a delivery schedule that works for you. Take advantage of our ListenLink™ feature to review specific statements that require clarification.
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Market Researchers Trust TranscriptionWing to Enhance:


Researchers can now gather more information without needing to listen to their interview recordings over and over. Without the tedium of transcribing, researchers can focus on other tasks to save time and effort.

Efficiency & Effectiveness

With their research transcripts just within their reach, researchers can now draw and compare accurate insights better, resulting in a more systematic and well-organized research process.

Quality Control

Research transcripts make finding errors or lapses in the research faster as it is easy to return to a particular data point when researchers need to verify their findings and review some missing components.

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