Did You Know These Everyday Apps You Use Can Transcribe Your Voice?

September 6, 2019

Did You Know These Everyday Apps You Use Can Transcribe Your Voice?

It is true when they say convenience is just a tap or a click away. If you’re curious about an unfamiliar word you encountered at a lecture today, you can easily Google it and find its definition. If you want to be sure your outfit for the night is appropriate before going out, you can call on Siri to check the weather first. If you’re ever feeling bored and want to kill time, you can catch up on your favorite web series via YouTube. And if you’re longing for a conversation when you’re situated miles away, you can hit your family or friends up for a Skype call.

Thankfully, modern technology just keeps getting better and better in making our tasks a whole lot easier. As more industries make the shift in incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into the picture, today’s digital advancements go above and beyond as you can now get results and accomplishments done not only from a key tap or a mouse click away but also from just your voice.

In case you didn’t know, some of your favorite apps have the capability to produce video or audio transcriptions for you or convert such into actual written texts.

May it be for work or for leisure, here are some of your usual tools that can transcribe your voice:


Yes, there’s more to Siri than asking her to solve your basic math problems or sing your go-to karaoke song in her famous monotone voice. Apparently, Apple has included a voice-to-text feature for Siri that could make your note-taking activity easy-peasy. Isn’t it great how you can easily enable voice dictation on your iOS devices? Think about the times you missed to jot down an important task for school or for work all because you (literally) had too much on your plate during lunch and weren’t near your pad or phone to note it at that moment. Try calling out for Siri next time and dictate your train of thought real-time.

Google Assistance

If not an Apple user, this is an Android loyalist’s best friend. Whether it be for setting alarms or adjusting meetings in the calendar, Google Assistance is an effective virtual assistant you can keep in your pocket. Much like a secretary, you may get it to type things for you as you speak. For instance, if you’re driving and couldn’t get a hold of your phone taped by the dashboard, you can just say, “Okay, Google,” and have a text be sent to your colleague saying that you’re running late but you’re on the way and almost at the meeting. Now, you can deliver a text message while still keeping your eyes on the road, thanks to this AI-powered tool. 


Although creatively demanding and draining, coming up with well-put-together videos can be rewarding, as these can truly help turn subjects into becoming more interesting and appealing to others. If you want to share your visual work to the world, YouTube is a highly popular medium for that. With about 5 billion videos consumed on a daily basis, you can be sure to find an audience for your content in no time. Now, if you’re going to cater those that prefer having words shown below the frame while clips are on display, worry not about transcribing because YouTube offers an instant closed captions option that can go with your audio-visual presentation. Let it render for a couple of minutes during your upload, and then you can have the AI transcript linked in your self-made video.


Just when you thought Skype couldn’t get any better in connecting you to important calls you need to take, it just released a new function that has leveled up communication, in general. Partaking in the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities and embracing inclusivity, Skype launched options for live captions and subtitles as well as translations – targeting individuals that are deaf or hard of hearing and/or of a different race – during calls. With it being AI-powered, this feature enables you to send real-time transcriptions across; thus, allowing free-flowing and seamless video calls via the platform.

Next time you use these apps – or encounter other new, helpful ones – spare yourself a couple of minutes to further explore their functionalities. Go through all the keys and buttons. Take your time, and test them out. In this modern-day and age, it shouldn’t come as a surprise if you find yourself discovering a brand new task it could do for you that’s only going to make your life easier than it already is.

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